Important Notice
Persons that are in the healthcare field, that have face to face time with patients, in research programs, or assist with patient care may be required to have BLS Provider level of CPR training. Please refer to your past or current certification to determine which level of training you need. If you have questions, please email the instructor, Amanda Owens.
To see the classes that are available, click on the "I need to edit my information" button below, and then select the campus you would like to enroll at.
There will be a $20.25 charge for first aid classes.
When you enroll you will be required to provide an account number from your department.
All enrollees will be charged after the class. There will be no free make–up classes.
The account number may be obtained from your departmental Account Manager or Fiscal Officer.
To add the account number, click on the "I need to edit my information" button below to edit your profile.
Participants also have the option of paying for the class by check. The check must be sent by US Mail or brought to the INLOCC office before the class.
Make Checks payable to the Trustees of Indiana University.
Instructors will not accept checks the day of the class. Do not send the check by Campus Mail.
If mailing, send to
Office of Insurance, Loss Control & Claims
Smith Research Center 110
2805 E. 10th St.
Bloomington, IN 47408
You will have an option to withdraw from class if done so at least 8 calendar days before the class.
If you arrive at the class after the start time you will not be admitted and will need to contact the instructor to determine if you will be charged and how to re–enroll in a future class.
Please plan to arrive to class 10–15 minutes before the class start time.
There will also be a waiting list. If you attempt to withdraw within the 8–day period and your slot can be filled from the waiting list, your department will not be charged.
We have surveyed all campuses concerning those people required to take training. All units report they have arrangements made for this training. If you are required to take first aid training and do not have a training source, contact Mel Lane.
Notice: If you are on a regional campus and would like to offer/take a first aid course, contact Mel Lane. You need to have 8 people prepared to take this class.