Vehicular Accident Procedures
If you are involved in a vehicle accident there are several steps you should always take.
- Indiana Code 9-26-1-1.2 states: If, after a driver of a vehicle is involved in an accident and that driver comes to a stop in the traveled portion of the highway, the driver must as soon and as safely possible, move the vehicle off the traveled portion of the highway and to a location as close to the accident as possible. However, the driver must not move the vehicle if the accident involves the transportation of hazardous materials or results in the injury or death of a person or the entrapment of a person in a vehicle. The reinstated law applies to all government maintained roadways.
The police should always be called to the scene of an accident! Get the police officer’s name, badge number, and department. If the information they provide you at the scene does not have a telephone number, get a number where the police department can be called.
- Never admit fault.
- If you have a camera with you, take some pictures.
- This is especially important if you are in a foreign country.
- This can also be important if a rental vehicle is involved.
- Contact our office as soon as possible. 812-855-9758 /
- If the damage is minor - a general guideline is drivable - contact us the next business day.
- If the damage is major, and especially if there are serious injuries, contact us immediately.
How do you contact the Office of Insurance, Loss Control & Claims?
On the emergency contacts page of this site you will find a list of field people. The primary contact for auto accidents are
Mitch Druckemiller (cell: 812-929-7469) All locations except IUPUI
Tammy Best (cell: 812-320-2554) IUPUI
Tom Murphy (cell: 812-320-2554).
During normal business hours you can reach the office at 812-855-9758.
Is prompt contact important?
Prompt contact is extremely important. We need to talk to victims and witness as soon as possible, we need to see the damaged vehicles and make arrangements to move any university vehicles if they have been towed.